Join us every Sunday @ 10am
Unit 3 Victoria Industrial Park, Dartford



We believe that the entire Scripture, both Old and New Testament are written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit - II Tim. 3:16-17. All the Christian teachings and the Christian attitude of the Children of God are such as are established in the Holy Bible - II Tim. 3:10-15; II Peter 1:21; John 17:17; Ps. 119:105.

We believe that the Bible is the written and revealed Will of God. Man's position to God, the way to obtain salvation, woe and destruction awaiting sinners that refuse to repent and everlasting joy that is kept for the born again souls. All the Bible teachings are holy, what the Bible reveals as the will of God are such that we should accept, and whatever God writes in the Bible and His Law are to remain unchangeable; for the Heavens and Earth may pass away but the Word of God stands forever. Deut. 4:22; Rev. 22:18, 19; Matt. 24:34-38.


We believe that there is only one God, Who is the Creator of both visible and invisible creatures - Gen. 1:1; Ps. 86:9-10; Is. 43:10-11; John 1:1-3. Only God will be in existence forever. Ez. 3:14; in God every creature receives life -John 5:26.


We believe that He is the Son of God; who took away our sins, and the Saviour of the world. We also believe that Jesus is God and was born by Mary the Virgin. He is God revealed in the flesh. Through Him all things were created. John 1:1-14; John 14:9; Matt. 1:18-25, Is 9:6; Is 53:5-6. We believe in His death on the Cross, and resurrection, by which He brought redemption - Is. 53:4- 10; I Pet. 2:24; John 10:11; Gal. 3:13, Matt. 20:28; I Cor. 15:3; Rom. 4:25; II Cor. 5:14; Heb 2:9; Heb 9:26.


The Holy Spirit is the third Person in the TRINITY. He has the same power, the same glory with God the Father and God the Son - John 14:16-17; John 15:26; Matt. 3:16; Acts 13:24. He is one with Father and the Son who is to be worshiped and served. Three Persons that become one are the source of blessings to all the living creatures in Heaven and on earth - Matt. 28:19; II Cor. 13:14; I John 1:5-7. The Holy Spirit has a great work to perform. He Teaches, He Speaks to men, and bears witness in us - Acts 16:6-7; He performs the work of regeneration for man- John 3:5-6; He also performs the work of Sanctification in the born again souls until they are fully sanctified - John 16:8; Eph 1:17-19; II Thess. 2:13; I Cor. 6:11. This same Holy Spirit endows believers with gifts they can use - I Cor 12:7; He empowers one in the Lord. Acts 1:8.


The egg is comprised of three parts: The yellow yolk, the whitish part, and the shell. Despite these three (3) substances, the egg is not three but one. Likewise, we believe that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost are one God, but made of three persons - hence they are ONE IN TRINITY - Gen. 1:16-29; Matt. 3:16-17; Matt. 18:19.


We believe that there is a devil, who seeks the down fall of every man. He brought sickness, sin and death into the world. Gen. 3:1-16. He seeks the destruction of those who exercise their faith in the Lord Jesus. Matt. 4:1-11; James 4:7; I Peter 5:8. The devil has several unclean spirits over whom he governs - Matt. 12:24. A time would soon come when he shall be thrown into the pit and chained for one thousand years- Rev. 20:7-9. After this, he will be put into the lake of fire where he will remain suffering together with his followers for ever and ever. Rev. 20:10


Things He created. Gen. 1:26. God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul - Gen 2:7. Therefore man is of three parts, namely body, soul and spirit. Man is God's ambassador on earth to take control over all other creatures on His behalf on earth. Gen. 1:26-28. God allows man to take part in His work and thereby reveal His love for mankind more than any other creatures - Gen. 2:15. This also shows how God elevates man more than the other creatures upon the earth.


Repentance is the sorrow of a godly man for his sins with decision to abstain from them - Acts 3:19; 20:21; II Cor. 7:10; Mark 1:15; Is. 55:7; II Chron. 7:14; Ezek. 18:21.


This is God's grace whereby we are cleansed from our sins by which we are able to stand before God as though we have never sinned. Acts 13:39; Rom. 3:25-26; Rom 5:1; I Cor. 6:11; Gal. 3:24; John 1:12-13; 3:3; II Cor. 5:9; Titus 3:5; I Peter 1:23; Acts 10:43; John 3:3,5.


Sanctification is another grace of God by which our souls are progressively and completely cleansed. This is the second accomplishment of the grace which through our faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ is wrought after we have been justified and free from our sins or regenerated - John 17:15-17; I Thess. 4:3; Heb. 2:11; 12:14; 13:12; I John 1:7; Luke 1:74, 75; II Cor. 7:1; I Peter 1:16; Eph. 5:25-27; I Thess. 5:23-24; II Thess. 2:13.


A. The Kinds of Baptism We believe in baptism by the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost - Matt. 28:19. The teaching is revealed in the New Testament and all Christians must obey this rule of the Lord - Acts 2:24; Acts 16:15; Acts 18:8; Acts 19:4-5. Every saved soul automatically qualifies for Water Baptism - Acts 8:29-39; 16:18-23.

B. Baptism by Trinity

We believe that all members of this Church should receive immersion Water Baptism, in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as believers who would not add to, or take out of the Word of God. Matt. 28:19. C. The Reason for Water Baptism Water Baptism stands for a sign and an example of two things.

1. It is an outward sign, an example of a true repentance of a sinner from his or her sins. Acts 2:38; Acts 22:6.

2. Anybody who is baptized is joined with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection - Rom. 6:1 - 23; Col. 2:113. Therefore anybody baptized is dead to the world and the evils thereof - Gal. 6:14.


All born-again souls should ask for the Holy Spirit from above, as the Apostles were ordered to wait in Jerusalem until they were filled from above. It is the promise of the Father. It is God's gift which He gives to those who obey Him - Luke 24:49; John 4:14-26; Acts 1:4-5; Acts 5:32; Acts 8:14-17. It is God's promise unto those who are far and all whom the Lord shall call - Acts 2:38- 39. Any Christian who receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit must speak in tongues - Acts 2:4; Acts 10:34-36; Acts 19:2-6.


Restitution is a sign of true repentance. This is payment for what is damaged - Ez.. 22:3. Whatever cannot give us a clear conscience before man and God should be restituted without delay - Lev. 6:1-7; Luke 19:8; Prov. 28:13; Acts 24:16.


We could obtain our healing in these four ways: 1. By individual prayer - John 14:13-14 2. By two people (or a group of people) who have agreed to pray by faith - Matt. 18:19-20. 3. By the laying of hands on the head - Mark 16:18; Acts 9:18; Acts 28:8. 4. By the Ministry of the Elders, anointing the sick with prayer of faith - James 5:14-15 Special Notice - Before we can work by healing without medicine, we would have sanctified our life to the doing of the Law - Rom. 6:13, 19; Rom. 12:1; Matt. 16:24; II Cor. 8:5, 15. Many miracles were performed by the Apostles - Acts 9:33-42; Acts 19:11-12; Acts 28:8-9.

Healing without medicine is Biblical - Matt. 4:23; Ps. 103:3; Sickness is caused because of the fall of man. The force behind this is Satan - Job 2:1-9; Luke 13:15; Acts 10:38. But JESUS came to destroy the works of the devil - I John 3:8. Christ purchased our soul from the curse of sin. He bore our infirmities and carried our sorrow - Matt. 8:15-17. By His stripes we are healed. Is 53:4-5; Gal. 3:13; I Peter 2:24. Healing without medicine is of the Gospel - Matt. 9:35; Mark 6:10-18. We read that the twelve Apostles and the seventy disciples combined healing with their Ministry of the Gospel - Luke 9:1-2; Luke 10:1-9. The Lord commanded us to go into the world, just to teach the nations alone, but that we should also heal the sick - Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 10:1, Mark 16:15-18.


All Christians are to obey the law of the country, obey the government and authority. They should honour their parents and elders. I Peter 2:13-14; Rom 13:1-5; Eph. 6:1-3.


We believe in the laying on of hands and anointing the sick on the head in the Name of the Lord and that prayer of faith shall save the person - James 5:14-16; Mark 16:17-18. But we do not use any other methods which are not according to Bible teaching such as sanctification of water for the sick to drink, or to perform special washing for the sick in the flowing river, the use of robe or garment, or to carry a small stick in the form of a cross ones person or the use of candles and such things. They are not Biblical. The order of our Lord is that we should heal the sick free of charge - Matt 10:8. We do not receive money or charge money before we offer prayer for anybody. All those using the above materials for healing shall perish with them - Mark 16:18; James 5:14; Matt 10:7-8; Mark 6:13.


Marriage is honourable in all - Heb. 13:4. Therefore all members who wish to marry could do so in the church. That marriage is between man and woman. 30-31; I John 2:15-17; Rom. 12:2.


The Word of God teaches us that monogamy has been the order since the beginning of the Law of Christ. Divorce is permissible only when a life partner has committed adultery. Even then, neither of the two should be married to a new partner while both are yet alive - Matt. 5:31-32, 19:9; Mark 10:11-12; Luke 16:18; Rom. 7:2-3; Mal. 2:13-16; Gen. 2:18: Matt. 19:4-6.


It is instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ shortly before His death. He commanded all Christians to gather together regularly to share the bread and wine till He comes back again - Luke 22:17-20; Matt. 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; I Cor. 10:18, 21; Acts 2:42; 20:7; I Cor. 11:23-30.


We experience daily the resurrection of the Spirit, all the born-again souls who are passed from death to life - Eph. 6:14; Rom 6:11; John 5:20. As this body is dissolved, immediately we are entering into our Heavenly Home or house not made with hands eternal in the Heavens - I Cor. 5:1-8 There is resurrection of the Body. Jesus taught us plainly that the buried body will be raised up from the tomb at the last day Job 5:28-29. Paul also explained this to us - Acts 24:15; I Cor. 15:22, 42-44; Phil. 3:21; Dan. 12:2. Only Holy people will be at the resurrection those who belong to Jesus when He appears; but the sinners shall resurrect in hell, a place where people whose names are not found in the Lamb's Book - Rev. 20:4-5; John 5:28-29; Rev. 20:12-15.


The Second coming of Jesus Christ will be in physical form and will be visible to all in like manner as He was seen ascending up to heavens - Acts 1:9-11; John 14:3. His return will be in two stages: A. Christ's return in the sky - The Saints or Bride of Christ will be raptured to meet Christ in the sky - I Thess. 4:15-17; I Cor. 15:51-52; Matt. 24:40-44; Matt 25:10 B. His return to the earth - He will return to the earth to judge the sinners and the ungodly - Rev. 19:19-21; II Thess. 1:7-10; Jude 1:14-15; Zech. 14:3-4.


The time between His coming to receive the brides or saints into heaven and His coming to administer judgments will be the time of Tribulation - Matt 24:21; 22:29; Rev. 9; Rev. 16; Is. 26:20-21; Mark 13:19; Jer. 30:7; Daniel 12:1; Malachi 4:1.


We believe that there will be three special judgements. i) The Judgement of the Believers: This would start immediately believers are caught up in the sky, they shall stand before Christ. After this judgment they will descend down with Christ upon the earth - II Cor. 5:10; I Cor. 3:3; 11- 15; James 1:12; Rom 2:16. ii) The Judgement of the Nation: This will be the time when Jesus appears upon earth between the millennial reign and final judgement. Acts 17:31; Joel 3:2; Ez. 14:15; Jud. 1:14-15; II Thess 1:7-10; Rom 2:16; Rev. 1:7; Mal. 16:21. iii) The Judgement of the Unbelievers: or the White Throne Judgement: This will happen after Christ's one thousand years reign at the White Throne. - Rev. 20:11-15; II Peter 3:7; Dan. 12:2.


The Word of God teaches us that after judgement, this wicked world will be removed. God will create a new Heaven and a new earth in which HOLINESS will exist - Matt. 24:35; II Peter 3:12- 13; Rev. 21:1-3; Is. 65:17:; 66:22.


The Bible teaches us that there is eternal punishment as well as eternal life - Matt. 25:46. The wicked people will be sent to a fiery hell made of sulphur, to be tormented both day and night. The punishment will continue forever and ever - Rev. 14:10-11; Luke. 16:24; Mark 9:43-44.


We believe that after a child is born on the 8th day, the parent should bring him\her unto the House of the Lord for dedication unto the Lord - 1 Sam. 1:22; Luke. 22:22-24; Matt. 19:13-15.